Oregon North Coast Steelhead
From early February through the middle of April, you'll find us chasing large winter steelhead on Oregon's lush and rugged North Coast.
During this season, we move out to Pacific City, Oregon. This central location gives us easy access to the Trask, Nestucca and Wilson Rivers (and a few others), good food and lodging options. This flexibility is crucial because these watersheds receive over 80 inches of rainfall annually. Adaptability is crucial to finding fish in these rapidly fluctuating flows.
Fortunately for anglers, these North Coast rivers support great runs of wild and broodstock hatchery winter steelhead. We find them in deep trenches, pools and gentle tailouts. We fish a combination of indicator and swing tactics, depending on the flows, temperature and angler preference.
Pricing for 2024/2025
Single Day Float (One or Two Anglers) is $750