Clackamas River Steelhead
The Clackamas River flows off the Cascade Mountains and runs northwest until it joins the Willamette River near the town of Oregon City. It is big water, perfect for two-hand rods and the swung fly.
Steelhead are present nearly year round, but we fish it the most from November until Spring when chrome winter steelhead are moving through. The Clackamas supports a mix of wild and hatchery steelhead.
A drift boat offers access to great pieces of swing water, one after another, on a number of different sections of the river. The river is ten minutes from our home base in Sandy, Oregon and we have great options for full and half day floats.
Whether a new spey caster or an experienced swung fly angler, the Clackamas River is a great place to fish. Drop us a line on the contact page and we'll find some time to swing up a powerful Clackamas River winter steelhead together.
Pricing for 2025
One or Two anglers Full Day Float: $750
One or Two Anglers Half Day Float: $500